
We take your feedback seriously. If you have a complaint, please get in touch so we can address your concern as soon as possible.

Step 1—Lodge a complaint

If you have a complaint, please complete our complaints and feedback form.

You can also write to:

Linkt Customer Resolutions
Reply Paid 87288
Virginia BC QLD 4014

Once your complaint is received, we'll send an acknowledgement within 2 business days confirming its receipt and giving you an approximate timeframe for your outcome. At this time, you’ll be provided with a unique case number for your complaint.

We may contact you prior to resolving your complaint for further Information.

The information you provide to us will be used to investigate your complaint and respond with an outcome. We may also use details of your complaint to assess and improve our services and may provide this information to the Tolling Customer Ombudsman. Information about how we collect, use and disclose your personal information, and your rights to access it, are set out in our Privacy Policy.

Step 2 – Contacting you with an outcome

After investigating and considering your comments, we will contact you with an outcome.

If you're not satisfied with the outcome, further opportunities for escalation will be provided.

Step 3 – Request a review by the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman

If you're not satisfied with our resolution to your complaint, the Ombudsman's office will investigate your complaint and work with you and Linkt to come up with a solution. The TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman provides free and independent dispute resolution services to toll road customers. 

The Ombudsman cannot manage complaints that have not been first raised with our Customer Care Group and Customer Resolutions teams.

Additionally, the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman does not have jurisdiction over Government agencies that issue Infringement Notices.

Learn more about the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman