Add or remove vehicles in bulk

You can add or remove up to 1,000 vehicles at once by uploading a formatted CSV file for processing. 

Vehicle changes can be immediate, or you can select a date for the changes to come into effect.

Bulk vehicle uploads can take up to 3 hours to fully process.

We recommend you download the template each time to be sure you’re using the latest version.

To add a large number of vehicles at once:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select Vehicles from the main menu

    My Account menu, Vehicles highlighted

  3. Select Add vehicle from the vehicle actions bar at the top of the page

  4. Click the Bulk vehicle upload button

  5. Download the template file and save it to your computer.

  6. Enter your vehicle information into the template making sure all required fields are complete.

  7. Save a copy of the completed bulk upload file.

  8. On the Bulk vehicle upload screen, click the 'Choose file' option, browse through your computer to find your saved file, select the filename.

  9. Click the Upload button.

  10. Once the file is submitted, we will check it for any formatting errors or access issues. If there are no errors at this point, the file will be uploaded and you will see an 'Upload successful' message.

  11. Once we have completed processing your bulk upload, you will receive an email with 2 files attached, a list of 'vehicle successes' and 'vehicle failures'.


Please note that the file may take up to 3 hours to process, depending on size and timing.

To remove a large number of vehicles at once:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select Vehicles from the main menu

    My Account menu, Vehicles highlighted


  3. Select Remove vehicles from the vehicle actions bar at the top of the page

  4. Click the Bulk vehicle removal button

  5. Download the template and save it to your computer.

  6. Enter your vehicle information into the template making sure all required fields are complete.

  7. Save a copy of the completed bulk upload file.

  8. Save a copy of your completed file.

  9. On the Bulk vehicle removals screen, click the 'Choose file' option, browse through your computer to find your saved file, select the filename.

  10. Click the Upload button.

  11. If there are no formatting errors at this point, the file will be processed and you will see an 'Upload successful' message.

  12. Once we have completed processing your bulk removal, you will receive an email with 2 files attached; a list of 'vehicle successes' and a list of 'vehicle failures'.


Things to note:

  • The file may take up to 3 hours to process, depending on size and timing.

  • The 'TAG_PENDING_RETURN' column can be used if you wish to freeze usage of the tag from the end date you have selected.

  • Any vehicle removals that have failed will be listed in the failure file. Each row will list the failure reason in the 'Result' column. You can amend any failed vehicles and re-upload the same file, with the updated information

For the quickest upload, and to avoid errors, please download and use the template file provided.
Each time you need to upload or remove vehicles in bulk, please download a new template, enter your vehicle details and upload your saved file.
Once the file is submitted, we do a quick check of the data to check required fields are filled out, and remove any special characters for you.

Vehicle addition

Mandatory fields:

  • Account - the account number to be associated to vehicle
  • LPN - also known as licence plate number / registration / rego of the vehicle
  • State - the state the vehicle is registered. The accepted format is VIC, ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, WA
  • Make - make of vehicle
  • Model - model of vehicle
  • Class - the vehicle class accepted entries are CAR, MC, LCV, HCV
  • Please note, if any of these fields are empty, you will see an error on your screen notifying you of which column has an error to be resolved

Optional fields:

  • Plate Type - this is largely for Metro buses in Sydney only
  • Year - the year of the car's manufacturing
  • Colour
  • Fleet ID
  • Start Date (DD/MM/YYYY) - this can be set in future if adding vehicles in advance
  • End Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
  • Link Existing Tag - this is for a tag that is associated to the same account that you're adding the vehicle to

Vehicle removal

Mandatory fields:

  • Account - the account number the vehicle is associated to
  • LPN - Also known as licence plate number / registration / rego of the vehicle
  • State - the state the vehicle is registered. The accepted format is VIC, ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, WA
  • End Date (DD/MM/YYYY) - must be a future date

Optional fields:

  • TAG PENDING RETURN - entering 'Y' into this column will freeze your tag from the date you have selected. From that date, you will have 90 days to return the tag to us before being charged a lost fee
  • METROBUS ONLY - this is applicable only to Metrobus. If input is incorrect, the vehicle will fail and will be in the 'failed' email attachment


  • You need to have access to the accounts you are trying to change. If you do not have access to an account, the upload will fail.

  • Bulk vehicle upload/removal files must be in .csv format (save file as .csv and retry).

  • The file will not submit for processing if mandatory fields are blank.

  • Any tags that have failed to be allocated will be found in the 'Vehicle_Success' file, and will need to be resolved individually.

  • Any vehicles that have failed will be found in the 'failure' file, and each row will have the failure reason in the 'Result' column. You can amend any failed vehicles and re-upload the file.